+ Report: United Nations -IOM Iraq (Housing Land and Property (HLP) in Iraq) 2019
+ Article: Orient Magazine "Creative Industries Group"
+ Article: Orient Magazine " We don’t fit in & That’s a good thing"
+ Article: Form Magazine "Design is a redundant word"
+ Article: InDesign Magazine “Interior Identity Issues”
+ Article: InDesign Magazine “Hotel Design”
+ Article: InDesign Magazine “The Future Tools for Contemporary Design”
+ NL +SCO / "Attitudes to Architecture" [Book in Progress]
+ Book “Int. Tools and Tactics” 2011 - [ISBN-10:1907471146]
+ Book “Thinking Inside the box” Book - [ISBN-10: 1904750222]
+ IDEAS Journal “Re-Shaping our Historic Heritage” 2010 - [ISBN: ISSN 1445/5412]
+ Book Chapter “Hotel Construction” 2006 - [ISBN 0-7506-6674-9]
+ Paper: “Working with Memories” 2010 - [ISBN 978-2-930301-48-8]
+ Paper: “[Re]defining a New Digital Era” [ISBN:2-93030 1-25-2]
+ Paper: “Illuminating the Utility and Philosophy Collision” [ISBN 0-7506-6674-9]
+ Paper: “Interior Architecture” [ISBN-10: 1904750222]
+ Paper: “Understanding the Buildings DNA” 2007 -[ISBN: 978-90-386-1186-0]
+ Paper: “The Interdisciplinary Nature of Interior Architecture” - [ISBN: 2-930301-31-7]
+ Paper: “Architectural Interventions” – [ISBN:978-88-464-9975-2]
International Conferences Hosted:
+ International Conference: “Thinking Inside the box”, [Glasgow]
+ International Conference: “Tools &Tactics”, [Edinburgh]
Key Note Speaking & Competition Judge
+ Key Note Speaker, Panel Chair & Judge. Artists in Concrete Awards - India 2016
+ Key Note Speaker, Panel Chair & Judge. Artists in Concrete Awards - India 2015
+ Key Note Speaker Guangzhou - China 2014
+ Key Note speaker and Judge World Architecture Festival - Singapore 2014
+ Key Note Speaker and Judge World Architecture Festival - Singapore 2013
+ Key Note Speaker, Panel Chair & Judge, Artists in Concrete Awards - India 2014
+ Key Note Speaker and Panel Chair World Interiors - Amsterdam 2013
+ Key Note Speaker: British Council’s Asian’s Creative Economies: educating tomorrow’s leaders. Thailand Sept 2012
+ Key Note Speaker: An Elastic Approach. The IIID APSDA Design for Changing Lifestyle, Goa, India.
+ Panel Chair: Stimulating Creativity & Encouraging Disruptive Thinking - 2013, Singapore.
+ Key Note Lecture: EMBODIED ENERGY & RE-USE -The Netherlands 2011
+ Orang Suku Laut, The Singapore National Museum – 2015
+ [Re]cycling structures Glasgow - 2008
+ RSA [Royal Society of Arts] Edinburgh, Scotland-2005
+ RSA [Royal Society of Arts] Edinburgh, Scotland-2004
Editorial Board:
+ AMPS (Architecture, Media, Politics, Society)
Research Centre:
+ Founding director of a University, Research & Knowledge Transfer Centre [Centre for the Recycling and Reuse of Buildings] CRRB Edinburgh Napier University.
Reviewer for Laurence King Publishing Ltd:
+A History of Western Architecture [4th Addition] ISBN: 978185669459
+A History of Interior Design [3rd Edition] ISBN: 9781856695961
+ Architectural Model Making ISBN: 9781856696708